Jan 16, 2023
After more than 15 years of drumming for Quicksand, Seaweed, Burn and before--and after that, Beyond, with a fair amount of storm and stress in the Quicksand years in particular, Alan Cage wanted to prove to himself that he could master something else in his life, completely unrelated to anything musical, and he did. For 10 years he had a successful career as a labor organizer and besides a couple of one-off gigs for other bands, had almost zero connection to his former life. Quicksand had put aside the blood and guts to release their first studio record in almsot 20 years with Interiors (Epitaph) in 2017. It's success convinced them to make another in 2021 Distant Populations (Epitaph) and are still aglow from their long tour last year with Clutch and Helmet. This second act includes the welcome addition of a family and a career giving drum lessons in NY when he's not killing with Quicksand.